PENTAGON's Hui Confirmed To Make Solo Debut
PENTAGON’s Hui will be making his solo debut next year!
On December 11, Daily Sports reported that Hui will release his solo album in January of next year.
In response to the report, PENTAGON’s agency Cube Entertainment shared, “It is true that Hui is preparing for his solo album. We are aiming to release [the album] in January of next year.”
Hui will be making his solo debut about eight years since debuting as a member of PENTAGON in 2016. PENTAGON released a number of hit songs including “Shine,” “Naughty Boy,” “SHA LA LA,” “Daisy,” and more, which Hui all participated in creating.
Hui also participated in producing the “Produce 101 Season 2” evaluation song “Never” as well as Wanna One’s debut track “Energetic” and the “Produce X 101” evaluation song “Boyness.” This year, Hui appeared as a contestant on Mnet’s “Boys Planet,” receiving great love by placing No. 13 in the final ranking.
Are you excited for Hui’s solo debut?
Watch Hui on “Boys Planet”: