Highlight's Agency Warns Fans Of Fraud Emails From Impersonators
Highlight’s agency Around US Entertainment has warned fans to beware of impersonators.
On July 4, Around US posted a notice titled “Notice Regarding Distribution of Emails Impersonating Around US” on its official website.
Read the full announcement below:
This is Around US Entertainment.
Recently, emails containing a significant amount of malicious code have been sent impersonating Around US.
Specifically, we want to alert you to cases where imposters mimic Around Us, using provocative email subject lines or content such as ‘Image copyright infringement’ or ‘Legal complaint in progress,’ which may lead recipients to open these emails.
Around US sends emails exclusively through our official domain (aroundusent.com). We also clarify that we do not pursue legal action against fans unless they deliberately harm an artist’s image or exploit official images for personal gain.
So far, only one email address has been confirmed: tianamaccoll@gmail.com. However, given the frequent spread of malicious code via email, we caution fans to remain vigilant as other impersonation attempts using different addresses may occur.
Please take care of your health during this hot summer.
Thank you.