Ji Chang Wook Reigns With Fierce Charisma As King In New Historical Drama "Queen Woo"
TVING’s highly anticipated historical drama “Queen Woo” has unveiled new stills of Ji Chang Wook’s character!
“Queen Woo” is a historical action drama that follows the story of Queen Woo (Jeon Jong Seo), who becomes the target of five tribes seeking to gain authority and princes who are after the throne following the sudden passing of the king.
The drama also stars Kim Moo Yeol, Jung Yu Mi, Lee Soo Hyuk, Park Ji Hwan, and more.
Ji Chang Wook takes on the role of King Go Nam Moo of Goguryeo, a ruler who ascends to the throne after earning the trust of his predecessor through his bravery and upright nature. He marries Woo Hee (Jeon Jong Seo), a member of the royal family, and together they share a loving relationship.
However, their bond begins to fray after Go Nam Moo personally suppresses a rebellion led by one of the queen’s relatives. Following a prolonged war, Go Nam Moo returns to the palace, only to face a sudden and unexpected death, throwing the nation into a turbulent power struggle.
The newly released stills capture King Go Nam Moo’s commanding presence, with his powerful charisma and imposing stature embodying the dignity of a true monarch.
Amidst a brutal battlefield, his cold, piercing gaze and battle-hardened demeanor instill fear in his enemies. Despite his formidable strength, his sudden death raises intrigue and leaves viewers questioning the circumstances behind it.
Part 1 of “Queen Woo” will be released in full on August 29, followed by the complete release of Part 2 on September 12.
While waiting, watch Ji Chang Wook in “If You Wish Upon Me”:
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