"Firefighters" Surpasses 1 Million Moviegoers
“Firefighters” is off to a strong start at the Korean box office!
On December 12, the Korean Film Council announced that “Firefighters” had officially reached a total of 1,061,154 moviegoers as of the previous day. The film was originally released on December 4, meaning that it took just eight days to surpass the 1 million mark.
With this achievement, the film also reached its goal of raising 119 million won (approximately $83,000) through the “119 Won Donation Challenge,” where 119 won (approximately $0.08) from every ticket sale is donated to the National Fire Hospital, set to open in 2025.
Directed by Kwak Kyung Taek, “Firefighters” captures the authenticity of real-life events by telling the story of firefighters who responded to the fire disaster in the Hongje neighborhood in March 2001. It vividly depicts the urgent situation faced by the team from the Western Fire Station, along with the sweat and tears of firefighters working under challenging conditions, all driven by a singular goal of extinguishing the fire and rescuing everyone.
Following the film’s achievement, “Firefighters” stars Joo Won, Yoo Jae Myung, Jang Young Nam, and Kim Min Jae expressed gratitude to the audience with a celebratory clip.
<소방관>의 또 다른 주인공은
바로 관객 여러분입니다👏 감사합니다👏<소방관> 지금 극장에서 절찬상영중
🔗예매는 프로필 링크 확인!#영화 #소방관 #절찬상영중 #119원기부챌린지#곽경택감독 #주원 #유재명 #이유영#김민재 #오대환 #이준혁 #장영남 pic.twitter.com/68ogAVjB85— BY4M STUDIO OFFICIAL (@by4m_studio) December 11, 2024
Congratulations to the movie’s cast and crew!
Watch Joo Won in “The Midnight Studio” below:
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