The drama “Freeze (프리즈)” starring Lee Suh Jin, Son Tae Young, and Park Han Byul will be broadcasted by CGV on 10/27

10/5/06 – Lee Suh Jin, Son Tae Young (손태영), and Park Han Byul (박한별)’s new 5-episode mini series “Freeze (프리즈)” is scheduled to be broadcasted by the cable channel CGV starting from 10/27 to 10/31.  The broadcasting time is at 12:00 a.m. 

In this mini series, LSJ plays the vampire Joong Won (중원) who is a humorous and cynical vampire.  STY plays the role Yi Hwa (이화) who is Joong Won’s old friend and lover.  PHB plays the high school girl Ji Woo (지우) who falls in love with Joong Won.  Thus, Yi Hwa and Ji Woo become rivals.  The representative of the production company “Yellow Film (옐로우 필름)” states, “The theme of this drama is about a unique love surpassing the taboo.  This cinematic drama is displayed by HD and the best mixed image of beauty.”



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