Korean Mega-Monster Invades North American Shores
"Should become the hip, thinking-person's monster movie of choice."—Lisa Schwarzbaum, Entertainment Weekly
After conquering nearly every other part of the world and numerous film festivals, writer-director Bong Joon-ho's giant tadpole finally makes its way to North American shores on Friday, March 9. The film debuted in Cannes last summer and although some of the special effects sequences had not yet been fine-tuned, it garnered praise from critics from all over the world. A few short months later it went on to smash the South Korean box office with a record 13+ million attendance, in only 105 days!
"Confounds our expectations while providing top-notch entertainment." — Kevin Crust, LA Times
Now, those of us who make our homes on this side of the Pacific will finally get our chance to see this award-winning film on the big screen, in all its glory! No one should miss this rare opportunity to see one of the best Korean films ever made, before the inevitable Hollywood remake! Prior to the sneak preview of the movie on Wednesday night, Mye Hoang, Associate Director of the San Diego Asian Film Foundation, strongly recommended that everyone see it the first weekend it's out. To the money-makers in Hollywood, weekend numbers are all that matter. Although it's starting out with a limited release, if it can make even a small splash in the US box office pool, maybe it will get a wider release. So, grab your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, even your grannies, and get out this weekend to support "The Host"!
"giddy creature feature" — J. Hoberman, The Village Voice
» Read the SOOMPI review for The Host.
edited by Aziraphale