Album Review - The Nuts - Vol. 3 Could've Been
01 One or Two Times
02 Look at Me
03 Broken Love
04 Dot Dot Dot (pop version)
05 Long Wall
06 Happy Tears
07 I’m Alone
08 We Again
09 I Love You
10 Dot Dot Dot (rock version)
11 Broken Love (Instrumental)
12 Dot Dot Dot (pop version) (Instrumental)
13 Happy Tears (Instrumental)
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The Nuts, which consist of members Kim Hyun Joon, Park Joon Shik, and Jin Hyun Woo, have returned to the music industry a year after the release of their digital single. This time, their album revolves around the theme of love and it consists of nine ballad tracks, a rock version of the title track, and three instrumentals.
The title track is “Dot Dot Dot”, which was written by singsong writer Kohmi Hirose, who is known as the Winter Queen in Japan. This song is a typical ballad which showcases Park’s sweet vocals. The lyrics are about how a person wants to confess to a loved one with the simple phrase, “I Love You”, but is unable to due to shyness. Thus, he has to just watch her from afar. The album includes two versions of the song, a pop version and a rock alternative, though the two sound very similar to each other.
The one song I personally enjoyed listening to was “One or Two Times”, which is another ballad. The song starts off with soft vocals, leading to the powerful chorus. The guitar sounds are also prominent in the background, making the song more enjoyable.
Overall, I felt that this album lacked a little something. Most of the songs seemed too generic for my taste and excluding the title track and “One or Two Times,” the other songs failed to stick. Fans may enjoy the album, but I don’t think people new to the group would.
5/5 – Even if you’re not a fan of this artist/group this album is a must buy.
4/5 – If you’re a fan of this artist/group, you must buy this album.
3/5 – If you’re a fan of this artist/group, you might want to add this one to your collection.
2/5 – I don’t think a fan would even buy this.
1/5 – You might as well just flush your money down the toilet