2PM Jaebum offends Koreans with Myspace posts
Following the incident of the offending messages which 2PM leader Jaebum has posted up on his MySpace page being discovered, there are plans for him to come out to do an official apolgoy.
2PM’s representative said on 5th September, “There are plans for Jaebum
to do an official apology on their official homepage. The problem here
is that the post he posted was when he was young and first arrived in
Korea, and was still not able to adapt to life in Korea.”
The rep also added, “Currently Jaebum is reflecting on his own
actions. Do understand it as a thoughtless act of someone still young.”
The messages were posted up on Jaebum’s MySpace page in 2005 in the “About Me” board.
Some of the things he wrote:
- “Korea is gay”
- “I hate Koreans”
- “I want to go back to the States again”
- “Korea is whack… but everyone thinks I’m like the illest rapper when I suck nuts at rapping…”
And in 2007 before he was about to debut, he also wrote about how it was not his style:
- “I’m like a gay version of myself”
He also wrote about his unhappiness about moving into together with other trainees in the company.
With these messages he wrote on his MySpace page revealed, netizens have gone on an outrage. There were
There were heated discussions about this on 2PM’s official homepage and on various portal sites.
Netizens say:
- “The 2nd Steven Yoo”
- “They should do an official press conference to explain this!”
- “Just go back to America then”
- “Seriously this is not something you can just apologise and hope everyone will forgive and forget”
- “Even if he reflects on himself, people don’t change easily right?”
- “Everyone is not perfect and makes mistakes. Netizens are making
too much noise over this? Don’t you netizens make mistakes too?” - “i hate you. and you are a bad boy. im korean. you too.” (In English by one of the Korean netizens)
- “This is the end for you”
- “He beats GDragon at it this time”
There are many very mean bashes by the netizens going on online. I hope Jay pulls through this one well, only wish him the best.
2PM Park Jaebum issues public apology ‘I’m really sorry and embarrassed’
2PM’s Park Jaebum has made an official apology over the comments made about Korea.
Jaebum posted on American social networking site in 2005 & 2007
saying ‘I want to go back to America’ ‘I hate Korea’, after such
insulting comments have been found, he has received a lot of criticism.Park Jaebum has confessed to posting such things at 12:13PM and
posted at his fancafe with the title ‘Park Jaebum’s apology’, trying to
express this apology through the post.Jaebum said “I would like to apologize for the things I posted on
myspace a few years ago. Sorry’ ‘and ‘I returned to Korea in Jan 05
when I was a high school student. Being born and bred in America, I had
hardly any understanding of Korea, and when I first came to Korea, I
couldn’t speak the language, couldn’t adapt to the food, and didn’t
know and didn’t understand Korean culture’ ‘My family was all in
America and when I came to Korea it seemed like everyone was being cold
to me. I had no idea when I would debut and I was really lonely. It was
a really difficult and lonely period for me due to various reasons. I
missed home, felt like giving up and wanted to go back to my family in
America.”explaining the reasons behind his posts.Jaebum has issued a sincere apology saying ‘I posted such things
because I really hated how I was living then and got really worked up.
I was really young then and didn’t express myself well’ ‘I was young,
didn’t have enough sense and because it was a difficult period, and I
made these mistakes due to the situations I was facing at that point in
time. I posted those words 4 years ago and I have completely changed
since then. I will try not to make such mistakes in future’.Jaebum’s apology letter are as follows:
Hello everyone, I’m 2PM’s Park Jaebum. I
would like to apologize for the words I typed on myspace a few years
ago. Sorry. I would like to explain my feelings then and apologize for
I returned to Korea in Jan 05 when I was a high school student. Being
born and bred in America, I had hardly any understanding of Korea, and
when I first came to Korea, I couldn’t speak the language, couldn’t
adapt to the food, and didn’t know and didn’t understand Korean cultureMy family was all in America and when I
came to Korea it seemed like everyone was being cold to me. I had no
idea when I would debut and I was really lonely. It was a really
difficult and lonely period for me due to various reasons. I missed
home, felt like giving up and wanted to go back to my family in America.
I posted such things because I really hated how I was living then and
got really worked up. I was really young then and didn’t express myself
well’ ‘I was young, didn’t have enough sense and because it was a
difficult period, and I made these mistakes due to the situations I was
facing at that point in time.And as time passed I forgot that I had
ever posted such things. Looking back, I’m really sorry and embarrassed
for writing such things. I have since adapted to Korea and completely
changed my mind set. I’m thankful for all everything I went through so
that I could perform on stage. I posted those words 4 years ago and I
have completely changed since then.Our family, Hottest and our 2PM members, I’m really sorry to everyone as well as everyone who loves 2PM.
Translated by: [info]sparkskey
Korean source: Newsen