Song Hye Kyo Considering New Film

Song Hye Kyo, the popular actress seen in dramas such as “Full House” and “Worlds Within”, is currently considering a return to the big screen in Korea.


Though nothing is concrete, she is seriously considering starring in Lee Jung Hyang’s newest film, which is currently untitled. An agency official at Eden 9 Entertainment said, “It is hard to decide on her next project since we have not been notified of when the movie she is currently filming in China will end.”


Lee’s upcoming film is about the hardships and conflicts of a television producer who loses her fiancé in a hit-and-run accident. This film is Lee’s first film since directing the 2002 hit, “The Way Home”. 


Song Hye Kyo is currently still filming “The Grand Master” in China. 


Source: Asiae


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