Singer Lee Eun Mi to Commence US Tour
Lee Eun Mi, one of Korea’s best live singers, will come to the US in January 2011 for a three-city tour in Orange County, New York, and Washington DC!
Lee Eun Mi may be unknown to many Soompiers who are more accustomed to listening to Korean pop artists who were probably born when this talented artist was making her debut, but Lee Eun Mi has had almost twenty years to hone her unmatchable vocal abilities. She has a genuine powerhouse voice and is famous throughout Korea as “The Barefoot Diva”. Many Korean singers pay her the utmost respect as a veteran and living legend for her great passion towards singing. If you are in the West or East Coast, come see Lee Eun Mi perform live in concert!
Here are the concert dates:
Orange County
Saturday, January 15, 2011
New York
Friday, January 21, 2011
Washington D.C. / Virginia
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Please visit Powerhouse Live to buy tickets and to learn more details.
Lee Eun Mi performing “I Have a Lover”:
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