Our Interview w/U-KISS Alexander's Dad, Anthony Eusebio
The recent announcement made by NH Media regarding U-KISS’ debut in the US have brought forth debates on whether the boys will be sucessful in the US or not. Supporters and critics from both sides gathered to disprove each other’s theories and comments.
Recently, in an exchange of email with Uncle A, better known as Anthony Eusebio (U-KISS Alexander’s dad) answered a few questions for us regarding their debut in the US.
Antonia: A lot of fans are concerned about U-KISS’ success in the US, what are your thoughts about U-KISS debuting in the States?
Uncle A: Thank you for giving me an opportunity to place some positive comments on the U-KISS Boys.
First of all, I want to let you know that Alexander joined the showbiz not only due to his interest in K-pop, but also as a desire to bring people within the entertainers/artisans field to know God more and to be the light in the darkness in this field, because many people have negative impressions on the entertainemt field. Do you know that Korea have the highest rate of entertainers’ suicides in the world?
Kevin, who had joined this field a few years earlier, had the same vision. So together with the other Boys, they know very well that they are not only a K-pop Boys Group, but more importantly, as a mission to birng peace, joy, happiness, hope, and unity in reaching out to more people around the world. Many KissMe’s knew that too.
> In EBS Star English Interview, Kevin shared that one of his most treasured belongings is the quiet-time book that “Fly to the Sky” Brian Joo gave him.
>Video: Kevin singing “Above All” in Church
Now, whether or not U-KISS will be successful in the USA or not is not the main issue, more importantly is that they are there to meet the US KissMe’s (KissMe is the name for the fans of U-KISS’ and their official fanclub name) as they had promised to all their fans around the world that they will try their best to meet them. NHM had carefully planned with the local promoters, and more over with their faith, they will just follow wherever God is leading them. They are not there to dig gold, they are there to meet their KissMe’s family members, but of course, it will be a bonus if they could be recognize by the local music industry, especially to many people, who have not heard of U-KISS before.
>Pic: Victoria(Xander’s sister), Kevin, Alexander
In the past, there had been many unfavourable comments wherever the Boys were reaching out to other places such as their concepts, their clothes, their hairstyles, or their songs, etc etc, or even their sexual orientation? However, they had survived till this date.
Let’s put it this way, whether the plan is to USA or Europe or Latin America or anywhere this year, I am confident that NHM will plan very carefully, moreover, I myself, Pastor Jaeson Ma, our prayer teams, and many KissMe’s, will support the Boys in words of encouragements & prayers. We trust God!
>Pic: Alexander with Mom >Pic2: Baby Alexander with Mom (pictures taken by Mr. Eusebio)
Antonia: What do you think has made U-KISS successful up to this point?
Uncle A: I cannot say that up to this point that U-KISS had already made their success or is even successful. It is already good that they didn’t give up in the first place! In fact, they are still trying their very best by working harder, practice 3 times more extra hours than other groups! They humbled themselves, learned from their mistakes & failures, tried every opportunity that they were offered without negative thoughts even knowing that it would be difficult, impossible, and never-gonna-happen. Still, because of their faith, they bite their teeth and went through with every obstacle ~ knowing that for men is impossible, but for God all things are possible with faith! Anyway, I would say honestly that they are still far from success and is aiming at that direction.
I know that up to now, I sound overly religious, but instead of placing all these with our self-centerness, we rather place ourself into God’s Hands, because it’s not about us, it’s not about the songs – It’s all about the Glory.
>Pic: U-KISS joining in the efforts to trend #GloryDec7 on twitter to promote the release of Pastor Jaeson Ma’s album, “Glory”
I apologize to you and some readers who might find my sayings uncomfortable, however, please accept the fact that I myself is a marketplace missionary apart from being a wine expert & businessman. Besides talking about God whole day, the next thing would be about wines, hehehe!
Antonia: U-KISS seems to be quite a unique group of entertainers, how can they be so persistent even with so many impossibilities and obstacles in front of them?
Uncle A: Yes, U-KISS is indeed a unique group. They are not afraid to go into trials because they have strong faith. They knew what lay in front of them were many obstacles & trials, but still, it was not a surprise that there were times that each of them wanted to give up! However, now they know that this is how they can only improve themselves out of those hardships ~
“If we fall, we will get up again on our feet & continue to go on and to be even stronger!”
–That was their statements that they’d shared with one & another during one of the TV’s documentaries where they cried & shared their works, their families, & their lives. Finally, they believe that God is with them wherever they go & do, and will give them strength when they are weak.
In this letter, he even included a small behind-the-scenes history about U-KISS and the trials they went through being rookies with no training what-so-ever. He explained why one of the albums was named “ContiUkiss”(the original single containing “Man Man Ha Ni”)
Antonia: Wow! It was a big risk they were taking! How did NH Media, the Boy, and your family, especially for Xander, decided it was a wise decision to have them join the entertainment business?
Uncle A: Do you know that this group was formed in late 2007-early 2008 and then debuted in the same year without having been trained or worked-out for 5 to 6 years like other groups do?
NH Kim asked them, “Are you ready to take the risk for this job? You guys are just rookies & have not train for 5 to 6 years. (If you go through with the training now,) by then, you guys will be be too old for an idol group! However, if you are willing to take the risk, I will be crazy enough to go through these (risks) with you guys, even though we know that as comparing with other huge companies & groups we are weaker in many, many ways!”
>Pic: Alexander’s personal message hand-written only for his father– inside U-KISS’ first full length album “Only One”
Finally, the Boys agreed and then signed theirs contacts with NHM! Of course, for us, we had prayed about it, we had asked our lawyers, friends from the entertainment field, and our pastors. Finally, we trust God and let Xander to go ahead.
What I am trying to say is that, YES, they know it NOT gonna be easy. In the beginning of their careers, they were discriminated, humiliated, blamed, criticised, betrayed, etc…. but because of the strong supports from their KissMe’s enduring love, loyalty, and strong encouragements, the Boys became stronger & stronger after every trial. They learned from all the mistakes & criticism; they prayed and continued working harder and harder to do their BEST for their KissMe’s, so that’s why we had an album called ContiUKISS!!!

Uncle A, thank you so much for answering some burning questions K-pop fans are just dying to hear! Your message really opened our eyes to something more important than just money, fame, and popularity, but something that is more personal, substantial, and closer to the heart. We at Soompi, especially for me, a fellow KissMe, really want to thank you again for contributing your words regarding U-KISS’ US debut and their faith. We truly hope the best for their future and an even stronger will to fight the battles that are ahead. And last but not least, God Bless you too, sir!
[1] Twitter-: Anthony Eusebio, Alexander Eusebio, Kevin Woo
[2] Contains the original email Uncle A sent to Joanne Marie(lunasea08@rocketboxx), a KissMe from the US. She later on posted her letter to Rocketboxx for sharing. This article is based on Anthony Eusebio response to Soompi, with pieces from his response to Joanne Marie’s letter and ours combined, edited together by Anthony Eusebio.