Kim Hyun Joong’s Official Character (U:ZOOSIN) Released
Kim Hyun Joong a part of SS501 released his official character, “U:ZOOSIN” on May 30th. The letters pronounce the same word for “Space God” or “Universe God.” This character was put in a message that Kim Hyun Joong himself wrote.
A person who was responsible for the planning and creation of the “U:ZOOSIN” character stated, “We added more familiarity to an alien character easily identified.” “We believe that this character will be loved by everyone because it contains the charisma that Kim Hyun Joong shows through his work and performances, and also his free-spirited and creative charms.”
Kim Hyun Joong will come back on June 8th with his first mini album “Break Down,” after pre-ordering was possible his mini-album already had 70,000 copies pre-sold.
Source: Star News