Secret's Diet Secrets!
On yesterday’s episode of “One Night of Entertainment TV,” the girls of Secret revealed their strict diet regime. Their menu consists of sweet potato, banana, tofu, tomato, milk, and other various high protein foods.
Sun Hwa stated that she was able to lose 8.8 lbs. (4kg) with the sweet potato diet and that sweet potatoes are sweet enough to keep the sugar cravings away. She added, “It’s important to eat high protein, low calorie food for breakfast to keep you feeling full longer, thus making you avoid snacks and other munchies. We stick to sweet potatoes, banana, and non-fat milk, along with small portions of other fruits and veggies.
Ji Eun added, “I used to love fast food, but I began to notice how unhealthy they were and how hard it was to lose weight.” The girls said they were able to lose 6.6 to 9 lbs. (3 to 4 kg) each through this healthy diet. They also record all the things they eat on their smartphone to keep track of how much calories they consume daily.
In addition to a healthy diet, the girls work out two hours daily by practicing their choreographies. Secret confessed a secret to their “Madonna” choreography by revealing that each movement burned fat in specific parts of the body. Hyo Sung was able to lose 11 lbs. (5 kg) just by practicing “Madonna” before the album’s release. As a result, the girls still practice “Madonna” to keep their figures in shape.