Kim Hyun Joong Wants Four Children and Travel Space
Kim Hyun Joong appeared on KBS radio show “Ok Joo Hyun’s K-Pop Square” today and revealed his main reasons for saving up money. He said, “When I get married I want four children. That’s why I’m saving up right now. If I want four children, my future wife is going to have a hard time.” He continued, “I don’t think it makes any sense to die without traveling space once in your lifetime,” reasoning space travel as one of the prime reasons for his growing savings account.
Kim Hyun Joong has sparked a lot interest lately with a series of unexpected comments that were deemed oddly cute, yet almost bizarre in a sense. In MBC “Knee Drop Guru,” he admitted to getting a nose job, as he said it was required to fix his broken bone. He also said he once dated a female celebrity for 10 months on a recent radio show, and during a guerilla interview over the weekend with KBS “Weekly Entertainment,” he told his older female fans, widely known as nuna fans, that he likes seeing them come to his concert pregnant, encouraging them to get married as soon as they find the right person. Of course, none of these comments were made in a serious manner, so there’s no need to fret girls!