Is Heechul Jealous of Ryeowook and ZE:A Hyungsik's Friendship?

Lately, K-Pop idols keep updating us regarding the strong friendships they have with other artists. Such is the case with Super Junior’s Ryeowook and  ZE:A’s Hyungsik, whose friendship seem to grow each day. As proof, Ryeowook took a series of pictures which included Heechul, Donghae, and Hyungsik.

While Ryeowook was waiting for Hyungsik to come to Super Junior’s dorm, Heechul tweeted: “Ryeowook ah, did you go out to meet Hyungsik? Tell him to come to play with Heechulie at our dorm.” Then Ryeowook replied, “Hyung, I’m in the room next to you“, to which Heechul responded, “I asked Donghae, ‘Ya Ryeowookie went to meet Hyungsikie again??’ haha, ya but still the point that hyung (me) looked for you is very precious, right?”

The last tweet was very amusing to fans, as Heechul was showing some signs of being jealous. Then, Ryeowook asked him, “Hyung, where did you go?? I meant to say Hyungsik is coming haha, and I woke up ㅠ I couldn’t sleep ~sigh”. Minutes later, Heechul and Ryeowook uploaded two pictures which they both took simultaneously. 

In the picture uploaded by Ryeowook, Heechul had just taken a bath and was hiding from the camera while he was taking a picture at Ryeowook as well. Then, he wrote: “An exhibitionist Heenim who just went out after taking a shower haha I’ll give my love to Hyungsik Hyungsik Hyungsik Hyungsik Hyungsik more than what you do to Hongki,” this last tweet seemed to be to make Heechul feel jealous of Hyungsik. In the picture uploaded by Heechul, he wrote: “Ryeowook, who always talks about Hyungsik, eating watermelon”.

After the hilarious conversation between the two, Hyungsik finally arrived to the dorm and Ryeowook wrote, “Entering to dorm!!!!” Park Hyungsik who is shocked after he saw Heebumie hahaha Cute dude. (Will upload) proving shot later ^^” and so he did. They spent the entire night playing soccer games and eating ramyun.

Days after Hyungsik visited their dorm, he kept tweeting to Ryeowook and congratulating him for his musical. “Today is the day of Hyungsik-nim’s musical performance, C’mon c’mon everybody, come to the place where I am. Ah ah. I saw Ryeowook hyung’s rehearsal! As expected, he’s awesome! His singing is as expected, the best! I’ll become the best too haha Hoot. Anyways, I’m preparing for the performance now~~^_^”

Also, Heechul sent Ryeowook a very amusing tweet: “Ryeowook~ah go well in today’s musical!! with your Hyungsikie haha, hyung wanted to go too but I have to go to radio so next time Go Go” to which fans couldn’t avoid commenting him back and asking him he was really jealous of Hyungsik or he was just being funny.

Finally, Ryeowook uploaded a last pic in which he was showing the flower bouquet he got from Hyungsik. “Today, I received a flower bouquet from a junior for the first time~ ZE:A Hyungsik’s flower bouquet. Hahaha. Pretty chap~~Hyung was able to do the first performance well thanks to you ^^ Don’t change your kind heart, hwaiting forever ^^ Thanks for your flower bouquet, Hyungsik ah”. 

We love seeing idols having strong friendship nowadays, and the best thing is that they share it with their fans. Good for Ryeowook and Hyungsik’s friendship!

Source: Ryeowook, Heechul and ZE:A’s twitter

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