Bekah Opens Up about Her Graduation from After School?
After School graduate Bekah opened her heart on her Tumblr, with a post aptly titled “a little honesty.” She opened the post with “’Don’t Hold Your Breath’ by Nicole Scherzinger,” saying that it was the song that represented her thoughts and feelings, not about a romantic heartbreak, but “about giving everything you had to the someone’s or something’s and facing the consequences of being taken advantage of.”
The content of her post, which can be read here, referred to her love of performing but struggled against being told that she was not good enough to fit standards.
Readers infer, without her directly mentioning it, that Bekah’s words pointed to the circumstances behind her “graduation” from After School and departure from Pledis Entertainment in June. Bekah has been active online since her move back to Hawaii, sending updates on Twitter and sharing pieces of art through her Tumblr.