Eat Your Kimchi's Halloween Special Reviews : G-Dragon's "She's Gone" and DBSK's "Balloons"
This week, Simon and Martina had a special Halloween Music Monday and reviewed G-Dragon‘s “She’s Gone” and DBSK‘s “Balloons.”
Going for a scary theme G-Dragon’s “Shes Gone” is like a horror movie in which he chases down a girl. While looking like a badass video, we are not given much information about the story behind everything.
For the cute costume side of Halloween, they also looked at DBSK’s “Balloons.” If you haven’t heard the song before, it is one of the happiest/cheerful songs songs in K-Pop. The music video totally fits with the lyrics as they are all dressed in costumes and acting overly cute.
Check out their reviews!
For voting this week, they asked which of the two videos today was better. Go to the Youtube video, Facebook or Twitter pages and choose between G-Dragon and DBSK.
Also, be sure check out their awesome site at http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/ for more reviews and their other fun finds in Korea.
This week’s Music Monday was posted later than usual due to Simon getting injured… hope you are feeling better now!