Jay Park Talks About 2PM, Family, and Ideal Girl Type

As reported earlier, Jay Park made an appearance on tvN “Talk Show Taxi” on November 10 and shared his thoughts about his career, family, and ideal girl type. The interview covered some touchy issues as he was questioned about 2PM, the reason he left the group, and how it felt to suddenly leave the country.


When asked if he keeps in touch with the 2PM members, he said, “No, I don’t, but I miss them.” He said Taecyeon and Nichkhun were his closest friends on the team, mainly because of their ability to speak in English. The hosts kept digging for more as they asked about his feelings right after leaving 2PM’s leader position.

“It was a situation where I just had to do what I did. Whenever I talk about this, fans hate it because some think I’m doing it just to get more publicity. But it’s really not. Honestly, I don’t care if I say it or not. It’s probably better not to because people don’t like it,” Jay Park said.

“I heard a lot of bad things back then. But because I was getting so much blame, people around me really had a tough time, especially my parents. Because their son was getting a lot of heat, they suffered a lot and that really broke my heart,” he continued.


He said he had to give up everything when he left the group and flew to Seattle, as he said, “It was almost like, ‘What do I do now? What’s going to happen to me now?’ But it was my parents that really supported me and pushed me through.” After moving to Seattle, he said he worked at a local tire shop because he didn’t want to rely on his parents financially, although it only got him about $400 a month.

The host Lee Young Ja responded in awe saying she probably wouldn’t be able to work at a tire shop after living the glamorous celebrity life for such a long time. But Jay Park seemed disagree saying, “I know I’m really blessed to be a celebrity, but I don’t really have to be a celebrity. Because popularity is fleeting, it could just disappear instantly. I’m just happy as long as the people around me are, regardless of my celebrity status.”


He was also asked about his ideal girl type. “I’m not the type that just likes girls with pretty faces, or hot bodies. I like first talking to them and see if we have good chemistry. That chemistry could come from a cute smile, beautiful eyes, good dance moves, or being nice to others, I mean, it could be anything.”

He also addressed rumors of picking Min Hyo Rin as his ideal type. “I didn’t mean to say she’s my ideal type. I was asked if I had to pick someone to star in MBC ‘We Got Married’ together, who would it be, so I just mentioned Min Hyo Rin. So I meant it in a way that I would like to know more about her…First of all, we go to the same hair shop. I saw a lot of pictures on the wall there, and her film ‘Sunny’ did really well too. I also like her smile. But I never had a chance to say hi to her even though we bumped into each other several times. I think I was a little shy, and after the word got out that I liked her, I got more embarrassed,” he said.

He wrapped up the interview saying, “I really missed Korea. I missed the people and all the fans. The fans sent me letters every single day since I left Korea. On my birthday, my fans got together to celebrate when I wasn’t even in the country. I was really thankful and that fan support really brought me back to Korea.”

Thunderstix is the Editor-in-chief for soompi.com. You can email him at eugene@soompi.com, or follow his twitter.com feed at @eugenekim222.

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