DBSK’S Changmin Is Debuting As an Actor in Japanese Film!
DBSK’s Changmin is debuting as a movie actor in Japan! Recently Changmin was cast in the Japanese film “Grab the Gold and Run.” In the film Changmin will play “Momo” which is one of the main characters. “Momo” is a student in Japan but he is also a North Korean spy.
“Grab the Gold and Run” is based on a bestselling crime-thriller novel of the same name (The Novel on Amazon is titled “Fly Holding a Golden”) written by Kaoru Takamura. The basic storyline is about five men who are all planning gold robberies.
Changmin began his transformation into an actor with “Paradise Ranch,” there he was recognized as having good acting skills.
Recently, DBSK finished a successful live tour “DBSK LIVE TOUR 2012 ~ Tone ~” in Japan which had nearly 450,000 viewers.