f(x)'s Krystal Reveals a Cute Selca
f(x)‘s Krystal revealed a cute selca picture on her me2day. The singer uploaded a picture with the caption: “Everyone dress warmly today before you go to work bbyong dress warmly bbuing bbuing,” on February 8.
In the picture, Krystal is wearing a leopard printed fur hat with a cute, pouty expression.
Netizens who saw the picture reacted with diverse responses, “Bbuing bbuing~”, “The weather is cold lately be careful not to catch a cold~”, “Today is pretty cold watch out for colds!”, and “You are pretty no matter what.”
Meanwhile, Krsytal is starring in MBC’s “High Kick! The Short Legs Strike Back” as a touchy, yet bright and cheerful Ahn Soo Jung