2PM Taecyeon Shows Off Charisma and Abs in New CF
2PM’s Taecyeon bared his abs for a new endorsement deal with Coca-Cola Zero. In the new CF, the “beastly idol” showed off a wild masculine charm while running through water topless. Despite constantly running and stopping for several hours, Taecyeon did not lose his energy throughout the shoot, recharging himself with various exercises like push-ups.
Representatives of Coca-Cola Zero stated, “Taecyeon always gives his all in everything he does. Many fans love him because he’s such a passionate performer on stage, making him the ideal spokesperson.”
Taecyeon’s Coca-Cola Zero CF hit airwaves on April 1, and fans have been raving about it since. Netizens commented, “The black and red really accentuated Taecyeon’s healthy and strong image,” “The CF is so cool. My Taecyeon looks great in it,” “It’s fun and different,” and more.