Girl's Day's Minah Shows Off Shapely Legs in Running Shoes

Girl’s Day’s Minah tweeted a picture of herself with the caption, “I’m so bored these days. Is there something fun to do?”

The tweeted picture shows Minah sitting in a chair, peering into her cell phone. She is wearing a pink feminine dress paired with running shoes. The outfit oddly works together and her running shoes only accentuate her long, attractive legs.  

Netizens who viewed the picture commented, “I’ll play with you!” “What are you doing with your cell phone?” and “Her legs are so pretty even when wearing running shoes.”

In other news, Minah has been promoting the new Girl’s Day’s song, “Oh My God.”

“Oh My God” is Girl’s Day’s follow up song to their hit songs, “Twinkle Twinkle,” and, “Hug Me Once.” If you haven’t already checked out their MV, take a look below:

Girl's Day Minah

Girl’s Day – Oh My God

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