After School’s UEE Reveals Her True Height and Weight
After School’s UEE revealed that her measurements listed on her official profile reflect her true height and weight. After School made a guest appearance on MBC Every1’s “Weekly Idol,” congratulating the show on its one-year anniversary. During the “Looking Back on Profiles” segment, the girls opened up on their true measurements.
Regarding her 168cm (5ft. 6in.) and 46kg (101.4lbs), Joo Yeon stated, “To tell you the truth, this size is impossible. I can reveal my weight by stepping on the scale right now.” It’s been said that she did go on the scale during the recording and confidently exposed her true weight.
The MCs then took a look at UEE’s profile, which stated that she is 171cm (5 ft. 7in.) tall and weights 51kg (112.4lbs). UEE proudly explanied, “Honestly, when I first debuted, that was not my weight. However, now my size matches up with my profile.”
During the episode, After School also divided into two groups – older sister vs. younger sister – and had a random dance battle. Additionally, the girls ranked themselves in order of appearance. “Weekly Idol,” featuring After School, will air its next episode tomorrow, July 18, at 6PM KST.