Super Junior's Eunhyuk Grew Up in a House Without a Bathroom
Super Junior’s Eunhyuk shared stories from his past where he revealed that he was poor.
During the July 17 broadcast of KBS 2TV’s “Star Life Theater,” Super Junior’s Eunhyuk discussed his roots. He mentioned how loving and devoted his family was. Then a touching moment was shared with the public as his parents were pleased when they received the chance to live in a new house.
“When I was young, I lived in a house were there was no toilet. There was a public restroom station not far from my house, so I would frequently use that when I had to go,” Eunhyuk said as he recalled his past.
Eunhyuk continued, “It was difficult to live at that house, but we did not complain. I did not like seeing my parents having to work so hard, I wished I could make it easier for them at home. I was so happy when I finally had the opportunity to buy them a proper house.”
During the episode, the crew followed Eunhyuk as he threw his parents a housewarming party for their new home. Eunhyuk’s group mates came along as well to celebrate the event.
Fellow member Ryeowook commented on the closeness of the members, “We think of each other as family. So, when there is happy news, we like to celebrate it together.”