Avant-Garde Actress Lim Soo Jung In 'Vogue Korea' Photo Spread

Actress Lim Soo Jung, in hit movies “Finding Mr. Destiny” and “I”m a Cyborg, But That’s Okay,” shows a transformation into an “avant-garde fall lady” in a photo spread  for fashion magazine “Vogue Korea.”

On August 21, in the photo spread for “Vogue Korea,” daringly throwing off her innocent and pure image, Lim Soo Jung showed her overflowing charisma.

Designer Jung Ku Ho’s brand “KUHO” along with “Vogue Korea” came together in this photo spread to capitalize upon the brand’s avant-garde feeling and color.

With her summer movie “Everything About My Wife” drawing in 460,000 viewers, in contrast to her bare, unmade-up face in the movie, the box-office queen actress Lim Soo Jung perfectly expressed this season’s “KUHO” clothing line with her intense makeup and daring hairstyle.

Staff members were impressed with how doll-life she appeared throughout the shoot while striking controlled poses and showing a chic gaze which gave life to the clothes she wore which incorporated unique three-dimensional structural elements.

Meanwhile, Lim Soo Jung, in addition to participating in activities that support artists, plays a female lead role in the collaborative film “El Fin Del Mundo (The End of The World)” which was showed at the world’s largest contemporary art conference “Kassel dOCUMENTA.”

Lim Soo Jung’s photo spread will be featured in the September issue of “Vogue Korea.”  To preview the photo spread, don’t forget to click through the gallery on Soompi!

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