"The Great Seer" Actress Lee Jin Glows Prettily Whilst Riding Her Horse
On October 9, “The Great Seer” actress and former FINKL idol Lee Jin’s entertainment company King Kong Entertainment released photographs of the actress practicing her horseback riding skills. In the photographs, Lee Jin looks like she is enjoying her lessons and glows prettily whilst hard at work.
Lee Jin plays the younger version of Young Ji who is married to Yi In Im (the father of Song Chang Eui), and is the mother Mok Ji Sang. In the drama, Lee Jin’s character is a woman of dignity and possesses a strong personality. As Lee Jin’s character development in the beginning of the drama is important, the actress took learning how to horseback ride seriously so as to portray her character as realistically as possible. Every spare moment she had, Lee Jin could be seen at the stables practicing and trying to develop a close relationship with her horse.
Lee Jin was cast in the upcoming SBS fall drama “The Great Seer” which is to premiere on October 10. SBS drama “The Great Seer” stars Ji Jin Hee who plays General Yi Seong Gye who leads the overthrow of the Goryeo dynasty and establishes the Joseon Dynasty, Ji Sung who plays Mok Ji Sang who is a gifted seer who helps General Yi, and Song Chang Eui who plays Lee Jung Geun who is a rival advisor to General Yi. Kim So Yo Yeon plays the character of Hae In who is the first love of Mok Ji Sang.