Final Verdict: TaJinYo Will Spend Time in Prison
On October 10, prison sentences were given to eight “TaJinYo” members for breaking several laws regarding the digital network (spreading false information, defamation, etc) against Tablo.
The court announced, “We reject the defendants’ appeal for the wrongful assessment. The motive’s for the defendants’ criminal actions were foul and wrong. With the exception of Mr. Kim, who has undergone surgery for cancer treatment, we tried to take into consideration of all of the defendants. However, the defendants’ actions caused one human being’s dignity to be overlooked and Tablo’s family had to bear the damage of losing his father due to stress. This is why we reject the defendants’ appeal.”
The court also mentioned the negative impact that “TaJinYo” has given to society such as malicious Internet commenters and bullys. The judge announced, “There are too many problems regarding malicious Internet comments and bullying. We believe this punishment will become a warning to others. There is a need to ring an alarm in our society today.”
Earlier in September, a few members of “TaJinYo” came forward to acknowledge their wrongs and ask for forgiveness. “I ask for forgiveness with the heart of spitting up blood,” “I only graduated from high school so I felt an inferiority complex when looking at Tablo,” were a couple of the confessions that were given.
The long and arduous trials surrounding Tablo and “TaJinYo” are finally over. It doesn’t seem like there will be any other appeals for now. The members of “TaJinYo” face up to 10 months in prison and 2 years of probation.
This case will be serve as a big lesson in Korea so all the netizens will know that it’s not okay to bully anyone in such a malicious way.