Kang Ho Dong's Return on 'Star King' Beats 'Infinity Challenge' in Ratings

MC Kang Ho Dong’s return on SBSStar King” brought in more viewers than MBCInfinity Challenge.”

According to the TV ratings company, AGB Nielson Media, the November 10 broadcast of “Star King” had a 16.2% viewership rating. The previous episode of “Star King” had a 10.8% rating, giving the show a 5.4% jump. For the same time slot MBC “Infinity Challenge” received a 12.7% rating, and KBSImmortal Song” received a 7.2% rating.

On the show Kang Ho Dong celebrated his return by singing “Meeting” by No Sa Yeon. He said, “I am greeting the viewers for the first time in a while. I am ‘Star King’s’ MC, Kang Ho Dong. Thank you for receiving me so warmly. I missed you all very much.” After his greeting he led the show in his own energetic manner.

During his absence “Star King” suffered from low viewership ratings due to his sudden “retirement.”

With his successful return there is much interest in whether Kang Ho Dong will be able to use his “Nation’s MC” power to capture audiences as he had done before.

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