Kara’s Gyuri Takes Intimate Picture With Actor Ryu Seung Yong

Gyuri, from girl group Kara, revealed a rather close picture she took with actor Ryu Seung Yong.

On December 10, she posted on her twitter “Kyah! Was able to meet senior Ryu Seung Ryong after shooting for an advertisement. I was always a fan, but he looks even cooler after meeting him in person. It’s only polite to upload the picture after receiving permission from the senior.”

Inside the picture, the actor comfortably places his cheeks on Gyuri’s and places his hand on her shoulder. Gyuri keeps her goddess poise and gives a small victory sign.

Netizens who saw the picture commented, “I’m jealous. Must be nice,” “For some reason I think you two look good together?” “Park Gyuri kinda looks like an elf,” “I also want to take a picture with Ryu Seung Ryong.”

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