Hwang Jung Eum Spotted Shopping in Chungdamdong
Actress Hwang Jung Eum was spotted shopping in the posh neighbourhood of Chungdamdong.
Recently, her picture was posted in an online community blog with the caption,” Hwang Jung Eum enjoys shopping at Chungdamdong.”
In the picture, the actress is wearing sunglasses which covers almost half of her face. She shows off her everyday style as she is wearing an over-sized sweater with a big and bright purple bag over her shoulder.
Netizens commented on the post: “I can still see her slim body figure even though she is wearing over-sized clothes,” “I do not think anyone can look that stylish while wearing clothes like her!” and “Could anyone tell me which store she went to?”
Meanwhile, Hwang Jung Eum will return to the public eye as she will be starting in an upcoming SBS drama which will air in February.