Ladies' Code Comeback Delayed Due To Zuny's Injury
Unfortunately for all you Ladies’ Code fans, it looks like you’ll have to be waiting a bit longer for them due to a leg injury sustained by member Zuny.
In a D-17 production report given on the official Ladies’ Code fan site, Polaris Entertainment states that their youngest member Zuny “Suffered a leg injury few days ago while going through choreography practice,” and also uploaded an unfortunate picture of Zuny in casters. Luckily, however, it inform fans that “It isn’t a severe injury” and that “fans shouldn’t worry too much.”
Zuny also posted a message on the production notes telling fans that she got injured while being too enthusiastic during choreography practice, and she hopes to recover quickly so she can see all Ladies’ Code fans, Lavelies, again soon.
Meanwhile, an agency representative has told Asia Today that their “Whole album production schedule has been delayed due to Zuny’s injury.” They go on to say that while Zuny wanted to keep to the original schedule, the staff decided that it was better to wait till she was back in peak condition, and so till then their comeback will be “indefinitely delayed.”
It must be quite disappointing for Ladies’ Code and for all their fans, but think on the bright side. This could almost be a gift in disguise. Given how many girl groups that are making comebacks this month, a slight delay might just put them in a better time period to get much more attention. Hey, we all got to have something to be optimistic about even in disappointing situations.