Yoo Ah In, Choi Jin Hyuk, Super Junior’s Sungmin, and Supernova’s Sungje Preparing to Enlist for Military Service
It is that time again where we must prepare to bid farewell to our favorite celebrities as they go and serve their mandatory military service. It was revealed on February 17 by Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency that actor Yoo Ah In, Super Junior’s Sungmin, and Supernova’s Sungje had been selected as part of the final group of candidates up to serve in the police corps as a conscripted policeman. It was revealed that out all those who had auditioned to enlist as conscripted policemen, only eight people were selected as part of the 47th Seoul Police Special Promotional Unit. Yoo Ah In, Sungmin, and Sungje were among the selected to serve in the police unit. Those who decide to serve their military service under the Seoul Police agency will enlist on a date between the months of May to August.
In regards to enlisting, actor Yoo Ah In’s agency commented to TV Report, “We haven’t officially confirmed anything, and the enlistment date is still undecided. “ Super Junior’s Sungmin’s agency, SM Entertainment, commented, “It is true that Sungmin has auditioned for the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, but there are still many steps to take to finalize everything. He was simply interested so he decided to audition. Enlistment date is also undecided.” Sungje’s agency also commented similarly to Sports Seoul, “Because Sungje is interested in musicals, he auditioned for the Seoul Metropolitan Police Special Promotional Unit and passed. There are still other steps left to take, as well as Japan promotions so the enlistment date has still not been decided.”
The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency also expressed, “There are still some processes such as tests and evaluations the final candidates must take. There is no certain date on when someone is to enlist because we recruit servicemen after there is a vacancy in the unit following a soldier’s discharge. Those who were accepted have different enlistment dates.”
Choi Jin Hyuk‘s agency also stated to XSportsnews, “Choi Jin Hyuk auditioned for conscripted policeman in the Seoul Metropolitan Police Special Promotional Unit, but there are still many steps to take to finalize everything.”
In the past, actors Cho Seung Woo and Ryu Soo Young had served their military duties as conscripted policemen. Currently, actor Lee Jae Hoon, singers Heo Yeong Sang, Kim Dong Wook, and comedian Choi Hyo Jong are serving in the police unit.