Soyu x Junggigo Continues Winning Streak with 'Some' on 'Music Bank'

Sweet duo Soyu x Junggigo has continued to sweep the charts and take home the trophies.

This week on “Music Bank,” the two talented singers went against B.A.P‘s “1004 (Angel).” While both of the songs have been popular, it was “Some” that finally took the first place with massive points from online sales, earning Soyu and Junggigo their third trophy. This week, they have won on both “Show Champion” and “M!Countdown,” and it will be exciting to see if they can maintain their winning streak for the rest of the week.

As they were crowned this week’s winners, Soyu thanked their agency and fans for their support, and Junggigo expressed his gratitude towards the fans’ continuous love. During the encore, they showed off their cute dance moves and interacted with each other in an adorable manner.

Congratulations to Soyu x Junggigo!




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