Can You Tell the Difference Between Sohee and EXO's Xiumin?
They’ve been known to look alike, but Sohee‘s and EXO‘s Xiumin‘s uncanny resemblance is quite noticeable when compared side by side. Some of the major features that have highlighted the similarities had to do with the cat-like facial features. As both Sohee and Xiumin are known for their monolid eyes, arched brows, and chubby cheeks, it’s no wonder that the two have constantly been compared for their similarities.
Furthermore, when placed side by side, you can’t help but do a double take to distinguish the two apart from each other. With the EXO members even agreeing to the resemblance on a past “Weekly Idol” appearance, it would be a hilarious moment if the two were ever to be seen standing next to each other.
What are you thoughts? Do you thin Sohee and Xiumin look alike?
Source: Korean Fancafe