Park Ji Yoon and Puer Kim Film a Travel Show in Guam!
Singer Park Ji Yoon and singer songwriter Puer Kim took part in a five days, four night vacation to film for their travel variety show. Although an unlikely duo, the two singers had the opportunity to travel to Guam for their upcoming reality show “Trendy Road.” The show, which will be broadcasted on the TrendE channel, will highlight the adventures of two women who travel to a foreign place.
As both Park Ji Yoon and Puer Kim have had their experiences in the music field, the reality show is expected to produce a trip filled with melody. “Trendy Road” will be a three episode reality show that portrays the unexpected experiences of the two singers.
“Trendy Road” will broadcast its first episode on May 31 at 10 PM (KST) on the female entertainment channel TrendE.