Solbi a.k.a. Kwon Ji Ahn Advocates World Suicide Prevention Day Through Her Twitter Account
On September 9, singer Solbi – who now goes by her birth name Kwon Ji Ahn -updated her Twitter account with a photo of herself holding a painting she drew to advocate World Suicide Prevention Day.
Kwon Ji Ahn captioned the photo with the message, “Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. It is a day to remember the value of life, and to understand the devastating facts of suicide. Suicide is not just about the individual, but is in-fact correlated with social factors. I believe that we must look deeper into discovering improvements in social atmospheres. At least for today, take a moment to observe the people around you. You can brighten up someone’s day by just sending them a simple message of care or encouragement!” Kwon Ji Ahn added, “All people really need is a warm helping hand of a friend, who shares an honest conversation with them, and generously gives them their attention. Nothing can compare to what life is worth, so let’s all have the courage to confidently love ourselves! I hope that everyone has a healthy day!”
She concluded with, “During my hard times, I learned to draw – and I found myself in a world that made me happy. The little joys I experienced has helped me appreciate life, and I am grateful to be alive. I hope that my message can be the strength for many people out there. Cheers everyone!”
This is not the first time Kwon Ji Ahn has exhibited her inspiring works of art. In 2013, she held an art gallery exhibition for the paintings she drew, and had also released a book. She writes short essays and the lyrics to her songs as well.
If you’d like to see what she has been up to lately in the music world, right-click here for the article that features her mini album song “Special“.