MBC Releases Photos of “My Spring Day” Sooyoung Behind the Scenes
Media network MBC has released two behind-the-scenes images taken during an outdoor filming session for the drama “My Spring Day.” The photographs feature two of the series’ stars, Girls’ Generation member Sooyoung and veteran actress Kang Bu Ja.
The two stars are shown in conversation, and in both pictures, Sooyoung has her arms raised, shading her senior actress’s face from the sun. A representative from the drama’s production crew said, “Kang Bu Ja is very fond of Sooyoung, who is always polite and kind. Sooyoung is developing her skills as an actress, and Kang Bu Ja gives her a lot of advice on that front.”
The eleventh episode of “My Spring Day” will be aired on October 15 at 10 p.m. on MBC.