“Mr. Baek” Producers Release Photos of Shin Ha Kyun as an Old Man
The makers of upcoming MBC drama “Mr. Baek” have released a collage of remarkable photographs of actor Shin Ha Kyun. The star, who will be featuring in the new series, is shown in two different guises – as a man in his thirties and as an old man in his 70s.
The drama is a romantic fantasy that tells the tale of an elderly businessman who transforms into a younger person and falls in love for the first time.
The show’s makers have revealed that the star needed four hours in the make-up room to prepare for his scenes as a septuagenarian, but the resulting photographs certainly look very convincing.
A member of the series’ production team explained, “It might be a burden for some actors to have to switch between playing a younger man and a much older person, but Shin Ha Kyun has not shown any difficulties so far, and he has made a huge effort for his role.”
“Mr. Baek” is set to begin airing on November 5.
[tv]You can watch “Mr. Baek” when it comes out on SoompiTV![/tv]