Joo Sang Wook’s Fans Gift “Birth of a Beauty” Set with a Snack Truck
Joo Sang Wook’s fans sent a snack and dessert truck to the set of “Birth of a Beauty” in support of the actor who stars as Han Tae Hee in the drama. On November 28, a variety of late night snacks and desserts were provided for 150 staff members. Fans also created drink bottles stamped with drama title.
As the actors and crew had been filming all day and well into the night, the food allowed the staff a short but enjoyable break from their work.
Joo Sang Wook expressed his gratitude to his fans, saying, “I’m so thankful to the fans who have supported and encouraged me many times with events like this. I was able to enjoy a delicious snack break with the hardworking staff. We will repay your kindness by creating an even better drama.”
Staff members also thanked fans, saying, “The snack truck provided by Joo Sang Wook’s fans gave great encouragement to the actors and staff who were filming for hours in the cold weather. We really enjoyed the delicious food and it gave us energy to finish filming well.”
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