New Behind-The-Scenes Photos Show Ji Chang Wook's Many Disguises on "Healer"
The production crew of the drama “Healer” has released behind-the-scenes photos showing the many disguises worn by character Seo Jung Hoo, played by actor Ji Chang Wook.
Through the photos, we catch a glimpse of Ji Chang Wook when he is off camera. In one photo, we can see him preparing for an undercover scene, securing a scarf to his head to disguise himself as a cleaning person. In another, we see him holding a script, getting into character for an upcoming scene.
Seo Jung Hoo, codenamed “Healer,” is the business world’s best messenger. He is a complex character, possessing both animal-like fighting abilities and a magnetic charm.
Ji Chang Wook has captivated audiences through his portrayal of Seo Jung Hoo. Especially enchanting is the character’s change of disguise in nearly every scene in order to hide his identity. His masterful ability to modify both his appearance and his behavior to match each disguise makes it seem as if Ji Chang Wook is playing a variety of roles, making the show even more entertaining.
According to Ji Chang Wook, “Every time I play my character in disguise, I focus on a certain aspect or special quality of that character in order to change not only his appearance, but also his behavior and feeling as well. That the drama has turned out as well as it has is due to the the hard work that the director and staff have put into filming those scenes. I’m so thankful to them for the fun I’ve had filming and to the audiences who enjoy watching.”
KBS 2TV’s “Healer” airs every week on Monday and Tuesday at 10 p.m. (KST)