Halftime Results for Best Fandom in #SOOMPIAWARDS2014, The Battle Continues Jan 1
Hi Soompiers!
We know that you must be curious about who reigned supreme during the intense Twitter hashtag battle for the Best Fandom crown of this year’s Soompi Awards, and we’re pleased to be able to announce the results of Round 1! Thanks to everyone’s support, Round 1 of the battle brought in a whooping 8.4 million tweets (votes) on Twitter from close to 100 different fandoms, with the contenders joining in on a neck-and-neck race to the top!

During the 24-hour hashtag madness on December 26, multiple voting hashtags and #SOOMPIAWARDS2014 trended at the top in 11 different countries (fans in Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Brazil, Russia and the United States – you guys rock!), as well as Worldwide for three awesome fandoms #ILoveSuperJunior, #ILoveEXO and #ILoveBTS. #ILoveSuperJunior trended at the top of Worldwide as soon as the contest began, as well as when it ended. A pat on the back for everyone who tweeted!
Without further ado, check out the halftime (aka Round 1) results for Best Fandom in Soompi Awards 2014! Rankings are based on total number of tweets with the applicable hashtag (“ILove_____”)!
WINNER (173K), 2PM (165K), iKON (141K), Boyfriend (140K), TVXQ (110K), SHINee (107K) and BTOB (104K) take up spots after top 10. Congratulations!
But it’s not over yet – rankings can still change!
The battle will continue with Round 2 on January 1, 2015 at 8PM KST and conclude 24 hours later on January 2, 2015 at 8PM KST. Results from Round 1 will only be making up 50% of the final results; we will be adding together total votes from Round 1 and Round 2 to determine the final winner, so be sure to vote your pick for Best Fandom by tweeting “ILove_____” on January 1!
NOTE: Only votes tweeted between January 1 8PM KST and January 2 8PM KST will count in Round 2.

May the best fandom win!