Web Drama "Dream Knight" Featuring Song Ha Yoon and GOT7 Releases First Trailer
Following up the official poster for “Dream Knight,” the web drama collaboration between JYP Entertainment and YoukuTudou, the official trailer has been released. The plot centers on Song Ha Yoon who portrays a girl with scars from her past who meets a group of mysterious boys played by GOT7.
In the dramatic trailer, we first see a castle and the gorgeous actress enters and looks around in curiosity. White glitter fills the room and JB materializes from the sparkling magic in front of her; the two of them stare into each other’s eyes and clasp hands. Soon black glittery magic gathers and we see Jr. appear; the boys size each other up before the rest of the members are introduced.
Jackson, Youngjae, JB, and Mark are clad in white clothing while Yugyeom, Jr., and BamBam are donning black apparel. Some individual dance moves are featured before what appears to be a dance battle of sorts begins between the groups wearing opposing colors.
After this, all of the members encircle the lucky actress before the video ends on her and JB leaning in for a kiss. It’s very brief, but you see Jr. leaning in for a kiss right after that. Check out the video below!