Henry and Yewon Already Share Their First Kiss on "We Got Married"?
While it’s now known that Henry and Yewon have become a couple, their upcoming engagement ceremony is attracting attention.
On the March 21 episode MBC‘s variety show “We Got Married,” Henry and Yewon choose each other to be a couple, and Lee Jong Hyun and Gong Seung Yeon become the other.
At the end of the episode, a preview for next week’s episode airs, and a scene where Henry prepares for his engagement with Yewon is revealed.
Earlier, Henry had told Yewon confidently, “I will become an ace husband,” dialing up anticipation for the couple’s chemistry.
In the preview, Henry prepares an event for Yewon complete with a ring as well as a dress and a tuxedo, and says uncensored comments filled with love. It also seems that they already go in for their first kiss at the end of the engagement ceremony.
[tv]Catch Henry and Yewon on We Got Married on SoompiTV![/tv]