Recap: 7 Memorable Moments of GOT7's U.S. Fanmeeting Tour in SF
Power boy group GOT7 recently kicked off their first-ever fanmeeting tour in the United States, and the 2-hour long show was made complete by the members’ hilarious antics and heartwarming fanservice. Click through the gallery to check out our top 7 moments and photo recap of the concert, and stay tuned for Soompi’s exclusive #AskGOT7 interview!
Moment 1: Lonely BamBam Pleads: “I Want to Be Your Bias!”
Knowing the members were officially meeting their North American fans for the first time, MC Dave Yoon allowed fans who came on stage the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to declare their love for their favorite members. All of the members were on the receiving end of these confessions, except for… BamBam? The poor member tried bribing (“I’ll buy you food!”), threatening (“I’m going back to Thailand!”), contemplating life (“Life is hard.”) to pull in a fan of his own, all to little success. Luckily for him, Jackson and Jr. queued with the line of fans, and avidly declared their bias as BamBam, who rewarded the two with jump-hugs. Ah, bromance at its finest!

Moment 2: Members Imitate Animals
Could you identify the members through random animal noises they make? Yeah, us neither. Two dedicated fans amazingly did so (while blindfolded!), successfully recognizing JB and Jr. simply by the low grunts they made on stage. Mad respect.
Moment 3: Dance Battle
Here’s something we’d never thought we see: a dance showdown between members of GOT7 not listed officially as the main dancers of the group, JB & Yugyeom. With an enthusiastic Jackson skillfully beatboxing in the background, the two proceeded to pull out all the stops to best one another, including showing off their b-boy moves. The result is as epic as you would expect!
Moment 4: Learn How to Dougie with Youngjae & Jr.
At the request of a fan, members Jr. and Youngjae threw down some knowledge and taught the wild crowd how to dougie! Though we thought both of them did a mighty fine job, some of the members seemed to have found the entire thing hilarious – just check out their faces!
Moment 5: JJ Project’s “Bounce” Makes a Comeback
Fans of JB and Jr.’s JJ Project were rewarded with an unexpected treat as all 7 members of GOT7 performed “Bounce!” With a picture-perfect formation, the boys paid homage to their fellow members’ humble beginnings, putting a new twist on the duo’s debut song.

Moment 6: Jackson Throwing Shade
With San Francisco being the first stop of GOT7’s U.S. tour, there was bound to be some unexpected issues that come up as the show progressed. But no one was as (jokingly) unsympathetic towards the planned games’ logistical blips as Jackson, who never failed to remind the crowd throughout the night of a less-than-successful game of “Magical (Musical) Chairs,” when the host’s accidental give-away for the cue to cut the music resulted in the disqualification of all of the GOT7 members. Of course, Jackson’s mocking was all in good fun, as he followed up his bouts of shade throwing with a warm hug for the MC.

Moment 7: BamBam (Finally) Turns 18
Though BamBam’s birthday passed, fans still wanted to be a part of the celebration, surprising the members during the show with an awesome cake! Of course, 97-liner BamBam was more than enthused at the attention, repeatedly touting his newfound status as a manly man to the crowd.
And now, the best part: a glorious photo recap of the concert!