"She Was Pretty" Cast Get Sweet and Intimate for Cosmopolitan
The cast of new drama “She Was Pretty,” participated in a fall appropriate photo shoot for Cosmopolitan magazine. Hwang Jung Eum, Park Seo Joon, Go Joon Hee, and Choi Siwon exhibit their chemistry with one another through this pictorial and an accompanying interview.
In the interview, the four leads reveal how comfortable they are with one another. Hwang Jung Eum and Park Seo Joon acted together recently in “Kill Me, Heal Me.” Also, Go Joon Hee noted that since she already knew Hwang Jung Eum, everything felt very comfortable.
The actors take time to discuss the characters they play. First, Choi Siwon describes his character as being very free. Go Joon Hee adds, “My character is very good at playing. There are a lot of dance scenes, but it’s embarassing because I don’t have good dance skills.” Then Park Seo Joon notes how his character seems bland in the beginning, but acts very differently when it comes to love. Lastly, Hwang Jung Eum comments on how unusual yet cute her character is. Apparently, it only takes her five minutes to get ready as her character whereas it usually takes around two hours for her to get ready for other roles.
Hwang Jung Eum, Park Seo Joon, and Choi Siwon all work at the same magazine publishing company in the drama. It was revealed that Park Seo Joon paid a personal visit to Cosmopolitan’s office to learn more about editors in order to be better prepared for his role.
Choi Siwon discusses his role as a feature editor and says, “A few reporters I know get very stressed because of deadlines. After an interview they would say they need alcohol and ask to get some beer together. I haven’t felt this way yet. I think my personality would suit being a newspaper reporter. Maybe politics or society. I’m the type that follows through to the end when I focus on one thing. However, I think I would have done well if it involved getting news on girl groups. Haha. I’m joking.”
All four actors are then asked to pick which character of the opposite-sex they prefer. Hwang Jung Eum avoids giving a direct answer but replies, “If it were real life… I don’t like younger men.” Taking a diplomatic approach, Park Seo Joon claims to find both female characters charming. Similarly, Go Joon Hee compliments both male characters. As for Choi Siwon, he honestly answers, “In terms of style, I’m truthfully attracted to Min Ha Ri (played by Go Joon Hee). But [she] seems dangerous.” He continues, “If I were [my character] Kim Shin Hyuk and were a free person who could do whatever I wanted, I think I would be more attracted to Kim Hye Jin (played by Hwang Jung Eum). Because she’s pure, easy to get along with, and fun. And she’s so cute. As men get older, they tend to think more about a person’s values and compatibility rather than appearance.”
For more of the pictorial and interview, check out the October issue of Cosmopolitan magazine.
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