B.A.P's Himchan Deletes And Creates New Instagram Account

B.A.P’s Himchan recently deleted his Instagram account which caused some fans to worry that the singer might have gotten his account hacked.

On May 24, he reveals his reason for doing so through his Twitter account.

He writes, “Hello! First of all, I would like to apologize for causing people to worry and be curious about me deleting my Instagram without saying anything. While I was using that account I experienced a lot of difficulty with email verification, so I deleted my account.”

Himchan continues, “Since it’s an account that I’ve been using for a while and I shared the world I saw and things that I am attacched to, my heart also hurts and I am very sad. I should have checked when I made [the account] but since I didn’t, it’s my mistake. I’m sorry ㅠㅠ!”

Thankfully, Himchan reveals good news as he has created a new account! He says, “I will upload different and pretty photos haha. My new ID is chanchanieeeeee. Please follow me! Once again I’m sorry for worrying you.”

You can follow Himchan @chanchanieeeeee!

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