The stars of “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds” have thrilled their fans by carrying out their ratings promise!

On October 19, the day after the hit drama’s finale, four stars of “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds” arrived in costume at Gyeongbokgung palace for a fan meeting and autograph event that drew a crowd of over 5,000 people (according to estimates by the police officers at the site).

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At the event, Park Bo Gum, Kim Yoo Jung, Kwak Dong Yeon, and B1A4’s Jinyoung signed autographs for the 200 fans who’d managed to secure tickets, while thousands crowded around outside to catch a glimpse of the cast.

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Park Bo Gum promised back when the show first premiered that if the drama reached 20 percent in the ratings, its stars would hold an autograph event in costume for their fans. At the event, he told the crowd, “I’m so grateful and it’s such an honor that we’ve been able to carry out our ratings promise to celebrate surpassing 20 percent in the ratings. I’m truly thankful that so many people came.”

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Jinyoung shared a photo of the quartet to his Instagram with the caption, “Thank you so much to everyone who came to our autograph event today. I’m happy that we were able to have such a good time. Get home safely, everyone!”

Park Bo Gum uploaded another photo of the stars to his Twitter, and wrote, “I will cherish the happy time we spent together at Gyeongbokgung. Thank you so much to those who spent their precious time to come today!”

Seeing the photos is a little bittersweet, as the event marks the end of the drama, but you can relive the magic by watching the first episode below!


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