f(x)'s Luna And Her Twin Sister Perform A Touching Duet Dedicated To Their Father
On the Lunar New Year special of “Immortal Song,” Luna’s twin sister Park Jin Young appeared on the show to perform a duet together.
When one of the MCs asked if her twin sister also has a music career, Luna said, “Yes, my sister majored in vocal music.”
Luna further explained, “My brother, mother, and father all majored in music. My brother is a classical music major. He arranged the music that we’re going to sing today.”
Later in the show, Luna and her sister covered Insooni’s “Father.” They dedicated this song to their father, saying, “This song is for our father who worked hard to raise us. Our parents worked really hard so I wanted to succeed [and give back to them] as soon as possible. We will work extra hard since this is our first duet together.”
When they started singing, their harmony filled the stage. Luna and her sister’s great vocals created such a beautiful piece. They started tearing up at the end of their performance, which also moved the audience to tears.
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