Main Cast Of OCN's "Voice" Share Their Final Thoughts As Drama Comes To An End
The main characters of OCN’s “Voice” recently opened up about their drama coming to an end.
Jang Hyuk played “crazy dog, monster detective” Moo Jin Hyuk and said, “First of all, I want to sincerely thank all the viewers who watched our drama. I’ve been so happy playing the part of Moo Jin Hyuk and it’s bittersweet to know that we’ve come to an end. I want to thank the director and staff who suffered through cold weather to film this drama, and I will greet you all again with a brand new character in my next project. Stay healthy.”
Voice profiler Kang Kwon Joo’s Lee Ha Na said, “I don’t think I’ll forget the cast and crew who would always smile and greet each other like they hadn’t seen each other in a long time, even when we’d meet early in the morning after filming till late at night the day before. I want to sincerely thank them for the months we spent together. I would also like to give my deep thanks to the viewers who loved ‘Voice.’ I hope to greet you all again with another great project.”
Baek Sung Hyun played Shim Dae Shik, the man who held the key to the biggest plot twist, and he said, “I can’t believe it’s our last episode. Most of all, I want to sincerely thank the viewers who have loved ‘Voice’ and shown their affection and worry for Dae Shik. I want to congratulate the director, staff, and cast for working hard till the very end. I hope to see you again as a better actor in the future, so please watch over me. Thank you.”
Genius hacker Oh Hyun Ho’s Yesung said, “I’m happy to have begun 2017 with ‘Voice’ and ended it on a warm, good note. I will never forget the times I spent as Oh Hyun Ho. I want to thank everyone who gave their love to ‘Voice.'”
Son Eun Seo played elite policewoman Park Eun Soo and said, “It’s sad that we’ve already come to an end. Though this may sound cliche, time went by so fast. I was excited but worried about being in my first genre drama, and it was such a charming and fun experience. I think that was thanks to all the actors, staff, and viewers.”
Last of all, Kim Jae Wook, who stole every scene as the psychopathic killer Mo Tae Goo, said, “It’s been a happy and fun time showing you a new side of myself through the character Mo Tae Goo. Most of all, it’s been a great honor to greet the viewers with such a great production. I hope to greet you again with another new character. I sincerely thank you.”
“Voice” came to an end on March 12 with its 16th episode. Check out the latest episode below, or why not binge-watch the whole series?
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