Highlight Reveals How They Chose Their New Group Name

On the March 19 broadcast of MBC’s “My Little Television,” the Highlight members, formerly known as BEAST, revealed how they came up with their new group name.

They revealed, “The idea of using ‘Highlight’ was given by Son Dongwoon. We came to the decision to use the name in five minutes.”

Son Dongwoon explained, “The last album we released as BEAST was called ‘Highlight.’ There was a poster of it on the kitchen table. I saw it and asked the other members what they thought about ‘Highlight’.”


Other team names that they were considering included “With Us” as suggested by Yang Yoseob, and “Around Us” as suggested by Yoon Doo Joon. Lee Gi Kwang said, “But we decided to go with ‘Highlight,’ since it’s the most meaningful and it was the name of the last album that we put out.”

Are you loving ‘Highlight’ as their new team name?

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